I have been challenged by our friends at The New Disease to complete this Meme. I am a virgin to these types of things, but here goes, I'll try anything once!
1. Five names you go by:
a) Mr. ********
b) Rico
c) Nazz
d) Dad
e) R***
2. Three things you are wearing right now:
a) Black Men's Button down dress shirt (covering a ...)
b) Joey Ramone Black T-Shirt
c) Black fake Dockers pants
3. Two things you want very badly at the moment:
a) Terrorism to end
b) My cat to get healthy. He's got a nasty tumor that is not going to get better.
4. Three people who will probably fill this out*:
a) Zooma (but I think he's pissed at me for my Pro-Bama rantings!
b) Mark at Pig State Recon
c) My pal Just Watchin'
* But I do not put an onus on them to do so, though I'm sure their answers would be better than mine.
5. Two things you did last night:
a) I shaved after debating whether to grow my goatee out to a full Rabbinical student beard for the winter as has occasionally been my custom.
b) An Ambien so I could get some sleep and not worry about the hellish work week ahead.
6. Two things you ate today:
a) Blueberry Low-Fat Yogurt for breakfast
b) A mixed salad with tofu, grape leaves, egg white, beets, chick peas and kidney beans for lunch.
7. Two people you last talked to on the phone:
a) Mrs. Nomad (making sure I haven't jumped out a window)
b) Princess Nomad (she wants an iTouch for her combo B-day/Holiday present)
8. Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
a) Practice for our SHOW AT KNITTING FACTORY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!
b) Give the "Come to Jesus" talk to a couple of my staff whom seem a bit ungrateful to still have a job.
9. Two longest car rides:
a) Florida to New York the day after the 9-11 attacks
b) NY to Boston one July to see the Grateful Dead. The "trip" (draw your own conclusions) due to holiday summer traffic took 7 hours!
10. Two of your favorite beverages:
a) Guinness Stout
b) Bourbon (and I am not very choosy!)
And finally, a clip from a favorite movie.
The life of a Repo Man is NEVER boring!
The Who - I Don't Even Know Myself (Live at Leeds)
Run DMC & Living Color - Me, Myself, My Microphone
Aha - Take On Me
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - All By Myself
Bowling For Soup - Sick Of Myself (Matthew Sweet cover)
Excellent - Guinness! Yummy!
Nah, I ain't pissed at ya. You be Probama, I say Nobama. I just hope we can disagree respectfully, my friend.
There's only 1 meme dealie I do but I'll try to give this a whirl tomorrow.
P.S. -- Aha? I never woulda guessed you'd post Take On Me. If mp3s actually had weight: I give a million tons of music a listen but I'm not sure I'd even listen to Aha. But to each his own!
Ok, I'm in. But first: is it Me!Me! or Mem-ay? I always wondered.
1. Five names you go by:
a) Cindy (every day)
b) Cindy-rella (at work)
c) Baroness Munchausen (on a message board
d) juswatchin (dumb, I know. But it has history)
e) Cinful (in the town I come from)
2. Three things you are wearing right now:
a) pink bra with black trim
b) matching pink underwear with black trim
c) not to sound all seductive, but that's it. My apt is very, very warm even with the windows open. I wear this all day until I have to leave the apt much to the chagrin of my neighbors.
3. Two things you want very badly at the moment:
a) more coffee
b) another cigarette
4. Three people who will probably fill this out:
I'll have to post it in my lj, but probably
a) Jem who loves to fill these out
b) Zuba unless work actually gets in the way of her surfing the net all day
c) Kyle
5. Two things you did last night:
a) worked (I work late)
b) sat on the internets
6. Two things you ate today:
a) coffee
b) cigarette
7. Two people you last talked to on the phone:
a) my bff whose birthday was Sunday, but I missed calling her
b) my union health clinic
8. Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
a) work
b) yoga: hopefully I don't get lazy and not go.
9. Two longest car rides:
a) bflo to nyc: when I moved here. It only took 8 hours, but I couldn't wait to get here
b) bflo to colorado (26 hours) for the Telluride Bluegrass festival with three guys in the car complaining because all the coke I drank caused me to have to stop and pee often.
10. Two of your favorite beverages:
a) scotch: I'm learning about them. I like a nice smoky scotch like Lagavulin.
b) Malbec: nice and smooth
Nazz Man, fuckin cool about playing the Knitting Factory. If I was livin' back in my homeland (the Jersey 'burbs) I'd definitely cruise into The City and check out the show.
And hey, I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Stoopid cancers and tumors and crap...
Nice list response.
I love that picture of Dorian Gray.
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