August 30, 2012

Romney & Ryan are evil motherfuckers. The Republikkkan party are total scumbags.

(Here's a picture of kittens- It's much nicer than a picture of Republikkkan scumbags.) If only the ground could open up and swallow the Republikkkan convention whole. Or, the floor could give way and they fall until they reach the Earth's molten core. I'm open to either option. Better yet, how's this: These cocksuckers cloak their lizard scales under the American flag and preach hatred, prejudice, sexism and THEY ARE BEING EMBRACED BY THE VERY SAME PEOPLE THEY ARE FUCKING!!!!!!!!! Ryan and Romney are fucking liars - you think they care about you? Yeah, sure they do. Out here in NY, we don't have a real say in the election. It's a democratic state and will vote Obama (thank G-d). You folks out there in the South and the Midwest: How can you live with yourselves??????? How do you not want to put the ebola virus in the water supply everyday and kill those fucking monsters???????


Your driver said...

You just need to move beyond the left-right paradigm and shit and I believe I'm also supposed to say something about following the money at this point.

Anonymous said...

as opposed to the Socialist economy the Obama administration wants for the USA? and what about giving voting rights/amnesty to 2 million+ illegal immigrants in the USA? and what about the lie about 'the most transparent administration ever' that Obama touted? and what about unfair mandated health care for non-working citizens? and did u forget about the administration's idea about apologizing to Japan after dropping the atom bomb in 1945? hmm, let me think, it might have saved about another million lives of Americans AND Japanee.....yes, that DEM part is SOOOO awesome! btw, I am not a Romney lover, but i DO love yer blog a TON! jim, Boston, MA

Paul Ryan said...

Nazz, yer a hater plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Dear Paul- I just need a hug.

nazz nomad