July 23, 2007

I Wanna Be Stereotyped

So, this past weekend, a friend of mine asked me if I was heading to the Siren Fest out in Brooklyn (Coney Island, to be exact). My answer was no... because I wasn't going to hassle with two hours of traffic and parking nightmares just to see a bunch of bands that for the most part I have already seen or had little interest in. Even worse, the prospect of being in a hot, sweaty, crowded maelstrom surrounded by annoying hipsters made my skin crawl.

My friend then responded that I was a suburban #$%&* (or words to that effect).

Well, I spent the weekend in my pool; listening to music I wanted to hear and drinking good beer. When that got too overwhelming; I sat in my backyard, lounging about, listening to music I wanted to hear and drinking good beer.

And instead of eating tepid, fried crap; I grilled good crap. And drank good beer.

So, maybe I am gettin' old. Maybe I am gettin' lazy. So what?

White And Lazy - The Replacements
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
Suburban Home - The Descendents
Rockin' The Suburbs - Ben Folds & William Shatner
Hey Suburbia - Screeching Weasel
Suburbia - Adrenalin O.D.


Rinjo Njori said...

I actually live in Brooklyn and didn't attend. However, I just bought a house last week-- so I did all that stuff that will lead up to me - Lounging, drinking, and listening to great music, Great AOD track

Anonymous said...

Ever tried anything brewed nby Dogfish Head (Delaware).

Dgrador said...

So who's your old crappy garage band that played with the Lyres?
My current crappy garage band is playing with the Electric Prunes, Seeds, and Strawberry Alarm Clock in Portland Aug. 18.

Zoooma said...

I really like the good beer theme to your weekend! But a beer from Quebec!? Well, we like what we like so whatever floats your boat. I'd go for a Smuttynose Robust Porter any day o' the week, though!

Could also go for some Descendents or All... been a cravin' some of them for years now. Pawned off all my CDs long ago so I'll have to eventually look for some album downloads. Yeah, a little Allroy Sez or Allroy's Revenge would be pretty frickin' cool!

Nazz Nomad said...

the beers du quebec were leftovers from a canadian sojourn...honey ales

the smuttynose were actually pumpkin beers... which, in the sweltering heat, were not the wisest of palate choices!

Highlander said...

nazz - you're not getting old and lazy, you have just matured and mellowed to the point where peer pressure and 'feeling-like-you-have-to-do-something-even-though-you-dont-want-to' are increasingly irrelevant to your happiness. Its a great place to be!